indicated decisions for following, or rededicating themselves to Christ. We connected with the pastor of this church last year when we were stuck in a garage at a friend's house in Sweden waiting for their return A phone that does not work in that garage rang (it hasn't worked before or since) and we answered to this brother's phone call . God has interesting ways of connecting people that can blow our minds and that would surprise even AT&T.

We also received testimonies of some people witnessing things in meetings we've done there similar to the revivals in Africa and Argentina, such as gold dust and gold tears being seen manifested on those we prayed for and ministered to.

Divine Interuption

We had planned to go the Baltic area and minister but the Lord prevented us on two occasions. A severe winter storm blocked the way and our ferry was cancelled on one occasion, other circumstances dictated against the journey on another.

The Lord began to speak to us out of Acts 16: 6-10, where Paul was similarly prevented from going into Asia on two occasions and was then redirected to another area. That was what happened to us.

After the occasion with the storm we were left hanging with an open weekend and it was already Saturday. A friend said "I think God may want you in the south of Sweden." However, sharing a testimony for just 10 minutes at a church down there was all that opened up with such short notice. We felt a strong leading however, to go all the way there even though it was a great distance from where we were for such a short thing.

When we arrived at the service, the pastor was adamant that 10 minutes was all he could give us that day because of his schedule. I shared my testimony of how I was baptized in the Spirit and just as I was closing the pastor interrupted me saying: "Actually, do an altar call right now for people who want to be filled with the Spirit." "Right now near the beginning of the service?" I thought.

I made the altar call and quite a number of people came forward . The Holy Spirit began to move in power over them, some falling over, others receiving spiritual gifts, and holy laughter began to break out amongst some in the


Left: Newspaper article regarding our ministry in the south of Sweden. They interviewed us about a crusade we did there, carried in a Swedish secular newspaper.
Right: Bryan preahcing through an interpreter in Lyon, France.

congregation too. The Spirit of God took over the meeting and the pastor cancelled his preaching for the day and the rest of the meeting became a Holy Ghost ministry time. It was a exciting surprise and a great blessing to see the Spirit of God take over the meeting. Many were powerfully ministered to and we were blessed and rejoicing at God's divine surprise. We had come all the way down there out of the Spirit's leading and it was much more than worth the effort. It made us glad we had been obedient to His guidance.


We ministered in Norway for the second time while the war in Afghanistan began to see some progress finally. We ministered in Mysen, Oslo and Rakkestad. God moved in power and we received and have continued to receive testimonies of those touched and changed in the meetings we did.

The Spirit of God moved powerfully in a number of different meetings. While ministering at a Sunday service the Lord gave me a word for a woman up in the balcony area of the church we were preaching at who was powerfully impacted even as the word was delivered, and God then gave us more words for her as we prayed for her and it was clear God did a deep and glorious work in her life as well as in many others that day.

At a youth meeting, a number of young people dedicated themselves to laying their lives down in complete surrender to Christ and His will for their lives. We also got to testify at a break-dance party where I did a demonstration for the kids, hoping not to injure any body parts in the process (I used to do this years back, even did some commercials, but haven't kept up on it) I survived the demonstration and the kids were stoked to see a crazy American adult spinning around on the floor. God poured out his presence again and again in the meetings

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