Our Mission

Grace World Mission has as its primary mission the extension of the Kingdom of God in its fullnes into all the world. Bryan and Mercedes Marleaux are its founders and current full-time missionaries and directors of the ministry organization Grace World Mission. Bryan Marleaux serves as its full-time President and Mercedes serves as full time Secretary/Treasurer.

We believe that Jesus commands and commisions us as His followers to go into all the world and preach His Good News to all nations-every tribe, tongue, language and people. The Good News is that Jesus came to earth to pay the price for sin once and for all and now by faith through His grace we can be reconciled to God by believing in His Son, and so be made to stand righteous before our Heavenly Father by the work of Christ on the cross for us. This truth of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God is what we preach and encourage others to preach all over the earth. Our vision is to see this Gospel through the power of the Holy Spirit extended into all the world.

In addition, Christ came that we might have life, and have it more abundantly.That abunant life can only be found in the fullness of the Holy Spirit which is available to all believers. Those who receive Christ are immediatly indewlt by His Spirit, But God wants us and commands us (Ephesians 5:10) to be filled, even to overflowing-with the Holy Spirit. And not only to be filled but to live, walk and be led in our daily lives by the Holy Spirit. This is the abundant life Christ spoke of; and it is found as the disciples of Christ found it in Acts, by walking in the fullness of the Holy Spirit, and by operating in His gifts and displaying His fruits.

The one who sows to please the Spirit reaps life but the one who sows to please the flesh, reaps death (Galatians 6:10). Life is what we desire, and desire others to be blessed with also. This extention of the Gospel of God's grace in Christ and the extention of the fullness of the Spirit in the life of the believer is the goal for our ministry work.



  • Evanglestic outreach and crusades
  • Preaching the Word
  • Teaching on the History of Christianity
  • Renewal ministry (focusing on the Holy Spirit and his revivng power for all believers)
  • Radio ministry (focus on the Holy Spirit's work, especially in Christian History - see times under radio programs)
  • Newsletter (updates on current ministry - write, call or e-mail us to get on our mailing list)
  • Teaching resources (see available topics in our media catalog)
  • Relief and development ( assisting the less fortunate and those in need, and partnering with ministries that do so also)

E-Mail us: GraceWM@flash.net

Call Toll Free 1-877-GRACEWM (472-2396)

or write us at

P.O. BOX 5071