Ministry UpdateSpring 2006 |
We appreciate any and all donations. Really anything, any size, big or small, big is always nice, but small works too, even pennies, dimes, or even an old Coca Cola bottle. Don't know how you'd send that, but the thought is appreciated. The fact is that your giving is appreciated, really, truly, very, very, much. So go ahead and make a donation because we can definitely use it to the glory of God! Hallelujah, just click below! |
Nailed to the cross for our sins, He paid the price once for all that we might by God's grace, be completely pardoned. The grave could not contain Him, and thus, Jesus rose victorious on the third day, demonstrating His glorious victory as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Let us give Him all the praise He is due! Hallelujah! |
the Grand Canyon after preaching in Arizona. |
out some short video clips of the working of the Holy Spirit during some
ministry from our latest three day "campaña" in Mexico.
The power of God is moving! Check it out!
Ministry Clips Windows Media Version Quicktime Version |
As we've been ministering in various places including Mexico and a recent trip to Arizona, God has been pouring out His Spirit, and we've been blessed to be experiencing these outpourings on a regular basis. A group of teenagers was recently impacted for missions in Tijuana when we gave the call that "the harvest is ripe but the laborers are few" and the Lord took hold of a number of young men and women and consecrated them to His purposes through the power of the Holy Spirit. |
Young girls around 10 years old being filled with the Holy Spirit in Arizona. | No
good deed goes unpunished though, and right after we left the church we
were pulled over by the police and accused of a traffic violation we hadn't
done and were kept there for about 40 minutes while the officer waited
for something, most likely for us to offer him money. We made it clear
that though a number of people were not even slowing down for the stop
sign he accused us of running, we had stopped. He seemed torn for he knew
we were telling the truth but obviously wanted something.... After we
sat praying while he kept walking back and forth to the car and asking
occasional questions, he finally gave up and left, praise God. |
Holy Spirit moved powerfully in Phoenix, Arizona when we went out to minister
in a Hispanic Church of around 500 people. We shared on what God was doing
in the world in relation to the spread of the Gospel and missions. We
also related that in the US the Hispanic wing of the church is now its
fastest growing segment, while the Anglo Western Evangelical wing has
had by and large mostly nominal growth (click
here to read more) but that Europe is in the worst shape of all. We've
been stating for years and trying to point out what a dire state Europe
is in spiritually. We've spent one fourth of the year for over ten years
over there ministering and have attempted to communicate what desperate
shape the place is in spiritually. Thankfully, some are starting to see
the reality now too. Peter Wagner has written on this in his newsletter
and now CBN has done a piece on the terrible spiritual shape Europe is
in, (read
related article from CBN) while Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America
and parts of Asia continue to surge ahead. |
Holy Spirit moved in great power and many were filled, healed, impacted
and touched in a glorious way by the presence of God as we ministered
in Phoenix. |
also got to experience a few things while in Arizona. We visited a little
old Western mining town where they had simulated gun fights which Patrick
and a friend of his really enjoyed. We then went to the Grand Canyon.
What a shock we were in for however when we encountered the 15 degree
temperatures at night (that would be around -10 Celsius!) We were freezing
our feet off when we tried camping one night, so we went to a motel the
next night. We hadn't known that the place where you view the canyon and
camp is at around 8000 feet elevation. We did get to hike a ways down
into the canyon, which was really fun and had magnificent scenery, and
we got to see some wild animals including wild mountain goats, bighorn
sheep, deer, hawks and other wildlife. It was a blessing ministering out
there and then getting to do a few things afterward, and we also had a
great place to stay with a friend out in Phoenix who we got to minister
too while there as well. |
and his friend Aaron join the Old West gunfighters for a photo op, hoping not to get caught in the cross hairs. |
stop along historic Route 66. |
walks down the street of an old Western town, ready to draw and fire. |
Maneadero Crusade We recently did a three day outreach in Maneadero, Mexico, which was filled with some powerful times of the Spirit moving, including some people coming to the Lord, healings, fillings of the Spirit, and awesome times where the Spirit moved even on some kids and filled them, as well as drew them into exuberant worship. You can view a little video sample of some of the kids, including Patrick, getting into the worship at the end of a service after the Holy Spirit moved in awesome power and everyone celebrated what God did that day, by clicking here. |
Praying for a woman in Maneadero who was instantly healed of pain in her head and ears. | Checking out the latest new farming methods that use temperature and moisture controlled hothouses. | Pastor/Farmer
Fidel holding one thousand dollars worth of genetically-modified seeds
imported from the nation of Israel. |
was also a cultural experience with a visit to a home where we had a carne
asada party and then played baseball with some of the local kids. I was
thinking, "These kids play baseball really well!" and then found
out a number of them are on the Mexican National Team (Mexico is a rising
power in the baseball world), which helped me understand why I was working
so hard just to keep up with them. We also got to see how the changing
face of our modern technological world is affecting places you would never
expect it to. Ten years ago we visited some of the farms in the area and
saw things done the old traditional way. A lot has changed in a short
amount of time, now many vegetables we eat here in the U.S. are grown
there in temperature and moisture controlled hothouses with genetically
modified seeds imported from other countries at high expense, but which
assure a very high crop yield. These are remote locations where you wouldn't
expect to see such cutting edge technology, yet they have been altered
by the modern computerized world we now live in. |
Holy Ghost Spontaneous Combustion On another note, we have been experiencing the spontaneous work of the Holy Spirit manifest in some the most unusual of places. At some different parties/celebrations recently: a birthday, a gathering for radio broadcasters, a barbeque, etc., we were asked to share a few words, pray a closing prayer, or share a song, and the Holy Spirit took over and turned these “get-togethers” into Holy Ghost ministry times with powerful and deep times of the Spirit of God filling and ministering to people in surprising and unanticipated ways. God is not bound by the four walls of a church building in order to minister to people; he's just looking for open hearts willing to be led by him. |
Bighorn Sheep down inside the Grand Canyon. |
I turned on the radio in the middle of the trudgingly slow and stressful drive, and surprisingly got a station right away in the remote wilderness, a Christian one at that, and the announcer said they would now play a song by Scott Brenner. This immediately caught my attention since he is an old friend of mine! I can never recall his name being announced on the radio like that, much less hearing a song by him on the air. It began to play and spoke right to our situation: "Though the mountains be shaken and the storms rage I am with you, says the Lord" were some of the lyrics and the Lord began to minister His presence to us in the middle of the storm. If we needed it when we first heard it we only needed it more as we went along, as the conditions got heavier and no one was on the road for miles. My hands seemed to just be bolted like a vice to the steering wheel and the scenario went on for hours and seemed like it would never end. God was with us in it and through it all though, and brought us safely through unscathed! We definitely felt the heat and stress of the "what if's" as we passed through high mountain passes, blinding snow, heavy winds, and slick road ice. As we came to the end of the mountain passes we noticed the CHP and Cal Trans were on the other side of the road regulating and turning people back. We'd just made it through before even more of the heavy storm came in. The Lord is with us, who are His children, no matter what we face. He doesn't promise that we won't face storms but rather that He'll be with us through them. Though the storms may rage, He holds His own in the palm of His hand. |
down into the canyon. A little warmer down inside, especially in the middle of the day. |
Thank you so much for your help! | ||||||||||||||||||