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blog posting about our late friend, Harald Bredesen, the man known
as Mr. Charisma who was also one of the principal fathers of the Charismatic
renewal. A minister to presidents, heads of state, and normal old folk
too, he was also one who lived out the high point of the book of Romans
found in chapter eight where Paul says: "Those who are led by the
Spirit these are sons of God." (Rom. 8:14) |
We've had some glorious moves of the Holy Spirit while preaching, ministering, praying for people as well as leading worship in different ministry settings in different locales down in the Zona Fronteriza recently. The Spirit of God has been moving with dunamis power as we've been ministering in different areas amongst the Hispanic communtiy, Glory a Dios! We also had a powerful divine appointment with a guy who was going through some serious grief from the loss of a family member and we were able to pray for him right on the spot, right on the street, and see the Spirit of God bring some comfort to his troubled soul, Praise God! Thanks for your continued prayers and support, economies may go up and down but God's Word remains steady, eternal, and something you can always count on when you put it into practice regardless of what is happening in this lost world. "Whoever sows generously will also reap generously." (2 Cor: 9:6) We appreciate your sowing into our ministry work and it always aids us to reach out with the most life-changing and dynamic force in the world: The resurrection power of the Risen Christ. |
Blessings to you: Bryan, Mercedes and Patrick Marleaux |