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Left: Celebrating
17 blessed years of marriage on our recent anniversary. Middle: Ministering
God's power as the Lord moves with his healing touch. Right: Patrick and
other kids worshipping the Lord with flags. |
Praise the Lord! We just celebrated our 17th wedding anniversary. How time flies when you're having fun! We both feel incredibly blessed with each other and more so each year, and more in love. He has given us such a gift in each other and we both know it is a gift from the Father of all grace, all glory be unto Him! (I, Bryan, am more thankful especially now as Mercedes has to decipher my one-handed hieroglyphics while I write with my left hand and as she has to double as a nurse helping me get dressed and even having to tie my shoes, due to a recent accident you'll read about below.) RECENT MINISTRY The Lord has been doing
great things as we have been ministering in various places, and we have
been experiencing the washing, cleansing blood of Christ working at every
turn as well as the waves of God’s Holy Spirit power. We have also been seeing the Lord move in power as well as bringing people to salvation and doing healing and miracles while ministering in places like La Jolla, Carlsbad, Chula Vista, down on the Mexican Border, and in the Inland Empire. |
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Left and
Middle: Filming some new programs along the picturesque Central Coast
of California. Right: Hanging out with friends after a meeting in La Jolla,
California. We will be doing their wedding this August. |
We had a powerful time while ministering at USC (University of Southern California) in Los Angeles recently as we shared upon the Reformation's ties to the birth of America and the powerful revivals that followed. As stated on the History Channel, “There would be no America without the Reformation." We experienced real revival power as the Lord lit up the students and others at the meeting there with the glorious power of His presence in a remarkable way. We are presently working on a video on that very topic that we just shot up in Santa Maria. We had a radical outpouring on the youth as well as on some young children in the desert area of Hesperia at a church service where we preached at recently. God radically filled the young people as they prepared to serve him as well. We had an awesome time in spite of the 106 degree temperatures and no air conditioning in the car or in the building . The Lord has kept us on the edge, being able to endure hard things, like the Apostle Paul said in the book of Timothy: "Endure hardship like a good soldiers of the Lord." We put that even more into practice the next day as a last minute "whim" had us head out to Mt. Whitney afterward and hike the next morning from The Portal to Lone Pine Lake which is a 6.5 miler with a 2000-foot of constantly very steep and rugged ascent, going from the 8,000 mark to 10,000 feet up at the lake where you get that one-third-less-oxygen feeling pretty heavily. All this on only 3.5 hours sleep, these ole legs and lungs still got it! We had a very powerful and important intimate and healing time in the Lord out there that was very significant. It is important to take out those personal moments to let the Lord speak into our lives as His children. DIVINE APPOINTMENTS AND MIRACLES SMALL AND LARGE While having a friend visit from Sweden, whom we discipled in the things of the New Testament and Kingdom of God, we were out on a bike ride and ran into some other Christians who were out witnessing and we were able to connect and share with them and then add some power to their work as we prayed over them right then and there on the beach. Praise God! We also ran into a couple while traveling just recently who just happened to have been in some of the exact same places we were in Germany on our last Euro mission trip. They were excited to have us pray with them and share with them about some of the things we've been doing and receive a DVD we gave them about Martin Luther and the Reformation. We also had some Norwegian friends come visit and had some powerful Holy Ghost times with them as well as experiencing lots of other cool times together. We had a divine appointment with some hispanic people selling tamales who spoke very little english, we ended up sharing the Lord and praying for these two new believers, they were powerfully impacted and encouraged as the Spirit of God lit them up with His power when we laid hands on and prayed for them. We were speaking to a guy from France recently and Mercedes shared a word of knowledge with him which opened him up to be able to be ministered to and have the Gospel shared with him. We've been ministering to the nations even when in this nation! |
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Left: Some teens and young children get radically filled with the Holy Spirit in Hesperia in the Inland Empire. Middle: Praying as the Holy Spirit moves at a meeting at USC (University of Southern California). Right: Preaching in Santa Maria, Calif. at Freedom Crusade Fellowship. |
Even small miracles speak so much of the Lord's care and concern over our lives as His children. We were on a bike ride just recently and it was getting late and we were all hungry, a quick check into the wallet though showed only a few dollars on hand at the moment. We began to pray letting the Lord know how hungry we were and short on cash too, but also knowing every eating place was closed or closing. Shortly after mumbling a few prayers and checking a few more places that had already closed their doors, we rode up to a pizza restaurant in "a day late and dollar short" fashion, and I just asked the guy outside locking up, for the sake of going through the routine, "You're already closed, huh?" Suddenly, without even saying what he was doing he ran in the restaurant and came outside with a pizza and other food boxed up and just handed it to us. I asked how much does this cost to which he replied, "It's free for you tonight." He had just remembered he forgot this last pizza and other food that was just sitting in there on the still warm oven, and decided just to give it to us. It was not only a demonstration of the Lord's provision but of how much He cares even for the little things in our lives. A nice hot pizza that is provided in such a divine way tastes especially good after a long hungry bike ride. It was also encouraging, as it reminded us of other miracles the Lord has done like this in other situations at other times like when traveling or on mission trips, or like in a similar situation a while back. We were on a bike ride again and short on cash and I ran into an old friend from a church along the road, he gave me his business brochure and later down the rode I realized he had placed a very significant amount of cash in it for us, he didn't even know it was my birthday, but the Lord did and gave a pretty cool birthday present that day. Like C.S Lewis' words in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe: "Aslan is not a tame lion." Jesus just shows up on the scene all of a sudden and changes the mundane into the miraculous with a touch of His hand! God is continually moving in all kinds of situations inside and outside the walls of what we often traditionally call church. He is not bound, however, by four walls and shows up in all kinds of situations when we pay attention to His leading in our lives. |
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Doing ministry and filming along the Central Coast, definitely God's country, offers opportunities to take in some of the awesome scenery, sunsets, and to catch the occasional surf session, one of the last for the Summer before the stupid skateboarding accident. Surfing is typically a lot more merciful to your body... |
THERE IS A SEASON... We've had a bit of a schedule change lately and have had to temporarily put on hold some possible mission trips, because of a recent mishap: Surfing is much easier on the body when you fall than its poor red-headed step child skateboarding; cement is merciless. After a string of injuries back in the day I hung up the skateboard until Patrick got into it recently. One little rock can ruin your day though, I hit one just cruising and going straight doing basically nothing. You'd think it would have happened while I was hitting vertical in the pool right before this at the skate park we were at, it started to feel like the old days, but then... That little pebble catapulted me like a crash-test dummy straight into a dislocated shoulder, the real problem was the way I landed with my arm up in the air, usually I'm ready to tuck and roll, it's when your guard is down that you get broadsided. The doc at the emergency room, where I spent 6 long fun-filled hours, said it's one of the most painful injuries there is; pure agony is how I'd put it. After being shot up like a pin cushion with numerous painkillers, they finally had to knock me out to reset it. Now it's ice, rest, then rehab. Keep us in your prayers for a full and speedy recovery without complications and consider us in your giving as we've got lot's of extra expenses with deductibles and co-pays to pay off due to limited insurance. |
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One little
rock can ruin your day when skateboarding. Launched straight into the
ER by a shoulder dislocation, I had to be completely knocked out to reset
it. After waiting and waiting in severe pain they finally got around to
it--they had to, of course, give medicine to people for things like a
common cold first--I eventually got discharged after 6 fun-filled hours.
Praise God for the young Hispanic guy I'd never met before, who so kindly
drove me all over town looking for an open medical facility as I moaned
and groaned in agony. He told Patrick: "Keep your hand on your dad
and don't stop praying!" while he fought traffic looking for a medical
facility. |
While reviewing our mission and ministry trips to the nations both short and long from 2008: eg. our Europe mission trip where we traveled through over 17 countries as we ministered as well as mission trips to Hawaii, Mexico, all over California and all the rest of the stuff we were away for, we realized when adding it all together we were gone for almost six months of the year in 2008. Thus, while still staying active ministering regularly lately, we have also realized we have needed to catch up on some of the things we have gotten so far behind on, and we've been given the opportunity now with this recent injury. You just can't keep recycling the same old radio and TV programs week after week, people will just get bored and change the station. We also realized we ran out of cards with our info on them early last year at some point and because of being so busy and traveling so much we never had a chance to get new ones made and have been out for long over a year. We also drained our finances quite low as well, however we did it unto the Lord's service. Thus, we've been working on producing new materials for both radio and TV and getting new video programs produced, as well as working on getting caught up on a slew of other things. We are however, praying on some different mission trips that would be possible in the future, so we appreciate your prayers for God's clear guidance and provision. We do have a new video out on a "Miracle in Portugal" that gives a divine appointment miracle story while traveling. We also have some new video series we are putting out on "The Gospel in The Roman Empire" that gives important and insightful info to the historical times of the New Testament. Our latest blog is also on this important topic. Our radio and TV programs continue to touch lives. Click here to find possible times in your area. We also have numerous programs on podcast now, over 85 that you can download to your computer or iPod to listen to and learn from at your convenience (Click here to connect through iTunes.) Many cover teachings in the Scriptures as well as on the History of Christianity, dealing with essential topics that are important for every Christian to know. Using these podcasts is a good way to get yourself quickly informed and enlightened on many important topics, especially some essential historical ones. They will enable you to have a grasp of, and to be an informed believer, regarding knowing something of the important history of your own faith. |
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New and re-edited videos we've put onto DVD and the Internet (Watch
video now) Middle:Spontaneous hike up at Mt. Whitney Right: Mercedes
praying as the Holy Spirit moves down on the border. |
Thank your for all your prayers and financial support. They are always appreciated especially at this time when hit with numerous medical bills. Remember that this is an eternal Word that transcends modern financial problems: "Give and it will be given to you, pressed down, shaken together, and running over." (Luke 6:38) | |
Blessings to you: Bryan, Mercedes and Patrick Marleaux |