Harald Bredesen talks about Grace World Mission

Harald Bredesen, well-known minister, Board Member of Grace World Mission and Founding Board Member of Christian Broadcasting Network and Teen Challenge encourages your support of this ministry:

"Of all the ministries I’ve worked with, there is none that I have the greatest confidence in the purity of the motivation and the fact that it was the Holy Spirit who gave birth to it than Grace World Mission, led by its founders, Bryan and Mercedes Marleaux...I’ve seen the sacrifice; I’ve seen the zeal; I’ve seen the Spirit-ledness…and I am so happy to be a part of it—I hope you will be and will support it with God’s money.  I’m sure He’ll bless you for it." (Read more) (Watch video)



Pastor David Sloane's Prophetic Endorsement

We were truly blessed and humbled when an old friend, David Sloane, tracked us down and sent us not only a personal word of prophetic encouragement but publicly endorsed our ministry and placed this statement about the importance of giving financial support to our efforts on his own website. Thanks for considering his words and praying about supporting our work:

"We know Bryan and Mercedes and have seen the fruits of the Holy Spirit in their walks with God. Lonnie Frisbee personally laid his hands upon this couple and prophesied their ministry before it came to pass. He imparted into their young lives the things of God and the unction of the Holy Spirit..." (Read more)

Pastor David Sloane and his wife


Humble Beginnings: Erik Jansson talks about the
ministry of Bryan and Mercedes


Erik Jansson is interviewed by Pastor David Sloane--prophetic minister and close friend of Lonnie Frisbee--about Bryan and Mercedes' humble beginnings into the ministry and times of suffering for the sake of the Gospel. (Watch video)

The Holy Spirit Releases the Father's Love: Testimony by David Estrella

A few years back we were blessed to minister with a mission group in Hawaii called Surfing the Nations that uses surfing as a tool to go into different countries and share the Gospel and bring relief.

This video is a testimony from our good friend Dave Estrella, who, though he grew up in church all his life, had never really experienced the power of the Spirit, and his life was touched and changed forever by the glorious love of God through the outpoured power of the Holy Spirit as we ministered to him and others at Surfing the Nations. The Holy Spirit will meet us right where we are and minister that heavenly love if we will just let Him.
Read more... (Watch video)