The Praise Report

Update: Summer 2002

Our Wedding Day
     For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be united to his wife and the two shall become one flesh. Eph. 5:31

Ten-Year Anniversary

     We are celebrating our ten year wedding anniversary this summer!
     Ten years ago we were married and during the ceremony the pastor prophesied, right in the middle of the service, that we would be a missionary couple. He saw us traveling to different nations ministering the Gospel.
     As he said this a dog in the yard next door let out a very loud howl, almost as if to confirm his word, which resulted in a lot of laughs and cheers as God’s presence filled the atmosphere. God has continued to bless us in our marriage and to also fulfill that word since then.

The School for Character

     Reformer Martin Luther was once a monk and celibate, yet having witnessed all the immorality in the priesthood (much like today) realized the truth of The Word which says “It is not good for man to be alone.” Gen. 2:18.
     Luther left the monastery and married a former nun with whom he had 6 children. He said that there was no better school for character than marriage, much better than the monastery had ever been. He agreed with other reformers who stated that no institution was as highly lauded in Scripture as marriage.

Divine Matrimonial Appointment

     It was through a divine appointment, which took place approximately 3000 miles from where we both lived, that led to our meeting and eventual marriage.
     Even though we both attended the same church, we had never met there , although we had noticed each other one time while passing in a hall way.      It was actually at a conference in Kanas City, Missouri where we had the divine appointment that would lead to our matrimony.

This is what happened: Many people from our church were attending this conference be going to as well.
     The conference went as planned and had some high points but for me (Bryan) something seemed unfulfilled, though I
didn’t know what. Things were starting to wind up fast though, and the last meeting was quickly approaching.
     I saved a seat in the front for this last meeting and that’s when strange things started happening.
     Returning from the break, I came in to find all the stuff I’d put on my seat gone. It had been thrown into a big pile, along with hundreds of other’s things in a corner.
     Apparently during the break, the ushers had gone into a legalistic fit regarding the evils of seat-saving and had taken everyone's stuff and thrown it into a massive pile. Which just resulted in a lot of agitated people who couldn’t find their things. But God uses everything for good, even things that can be frustrating and seem ridiculous at the time.
     I finally located all my stuff and decided I’d go sit in the rafter seats with the pigeons after that experience.
     However, as I was passing by the front rows,which were now full, something strange happened.
     Some guys I ‘d never met called to me as I walked by. I thought they were mistaking me for someone else, but they were insistent that I come talk to them. They told me that I should sit in a seat they had there because they saved seats and then prayed who they should give them to. They felt strongly when they saw me that I should sit there in the one seat they had left. It seemed quite unusual... but “Why not?” I thought.
     Even with persecution awaiting them from the ushers should they be caught, these guys carried on their unique little ministry undercover. I’d never seen anything quite like it but God certainly used it! I sat down and looked around and thought: “Three rows from the front is nothing to complain about.” Then I noticed something even more interesting, “Hmm, I’m sitting next to that cute girl I’d noticed at the Vineyard that one time.”
     We were now sitting next to each other and it wasn’t long until we got to talking and then spent much of the meeting talking and finding out how much we had in common, including being called to missions .
     Mercedes was also sitting next to her mother who whispered into her ear when we
met: “I think I just met my future son-in-law.”

An impression whose fruit proved it was a word from the Holy Spirit.
     Mercedes and I prayed together at the close of the meeting and an extraordinary sense of God’s presence filled the atmosphere during our prayer.
     This was the beginning of a friendship that would develop and mature and two years later find us saying vows to one another.
     God used the crazy ushers and undercover praying seat savers to reshuffle our seating arrangements and to orchestrate a divine appointment where we ended up meeting by sitting next to each other. Bringing us together, 3000 miles away from home, in the middle of a 7000-person, overflow -crowd conference.
     Two years later as we stood at the altar saying vows the pastor prophesied about us being called to missions. That which started out as an exciting supernatural ride has definitely continued to be so. To the praise and glory of God.

Ministry Update

     As we continue to minister South of the Border and other places God is moving in power with people coming to Christ and the Holy Spirit being poured out regularly.
     In a meeting in Mexico recently we experienced many young people being powerfully filled with the Holy Spirit as God consecrated their lives to Him.
     At a large church in inland San Diego, God’s presence was poured out in great power as waves of the Holy Spirit washed over and over and over the congregation long into the night. It was glorious time as we prayed for many many people there.


     The Lord has been emphasizing the importance of perseverance. A few incidents recently have demonstrated this.
     We were recently going to preach at an outreach in Tijuana when we had, like on many trips to Mexico, become completely lost.

Bryan praying for some kids in Mexico who were baptized in the Holy Spirit

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